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Staff Member of the Year

Dodge Primary Support Staff Member of the Year

Ms. Chelsie Fountain

Dodge County Primary School is proud to announce Chelsie Fountain as their Support Staff Member of the year. 

Ms. Fountain is a 2007 graduate of Dodge County High School. She began her teaching career 8 years ago as an ESL teacher, teaching Chinese children how to speak English. She still works as an ESL teacher but now she works with students all over the world. She has been a paraprofessional at Dodge County Primary for 3 years. She also works with children in the 21st Century After school program every afternoon. She comes from a long line of educators and has a passion for teaching. 

Ms. Fountain is recently engaged to Justin K. Haley. She has four children in the Dodge County School System; Dawson in 8th grade, Alexis in 6th grade, and twins Shelby and Jayda in Kindergarten. 

Her favorite quote is by poet W.B. Yeats “Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” She puts her whole heart into her job and has a passion for helping students learn and grow. She embraces the opportunity to make a positive impact on every student she encounters and strives to help her students succeed academically and personally.